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Wednesday, May 30, 2012,
La novella photoshoot.
So apparently after winning a contest on facebook, i was sponsored a photoshoot at La novella studio which i have been wanting to have a shoot at. but thank goodness i was lucky enough to have a sponsored shoot last week and i immediately make plans with some of my friends. really wanna thank La novella staffs and also the photographer for making this shoot a memorable and fun one. Nowadays i have the tendency to post more than i write so i'll let the pictures do the talking now :)
Monday, May 21, 2012,
Punggol's lalang field.
I finally did a impromptu photoshoot with a friend of mine at the lalang field not too long ago. the location where by i have been wanting to shoot at for the longest time and now i can strike it off my list! haha. so the only place i could think of where the lalangs will be is at Punggol area so me and jeremy, my friend decided to explore punggol, my very first time if i'm not wrong! hahaha, sounds like a tourist. Once you walked for like 5mins or so, you will be welcomed by a field bloomed with beautiful lalangs, and of course, you have to brave the humid sun though. but i tell you it's worth your sweat! just remember not to wear like what i was wearing, i looked like i just came out of a shower. bring a small towel so that you can wipe your sweats and bring a bottle of water to prevent dehydration, Lol! like going for war like that. A BLURRISH COOL SHOT ~ Thankfully i brought my tripod stand along with me on that day, so we could like take the shoot together and pretend that we are having someone behind the camera taking it for us *Flicks hair* haha. but that is what i do most of the time, using self timer apart from having my mum behind the camera at times. but i just need the ring light and the self timer remote control. soon soon, i will get them and it'll be so complete! (; Close up of the Lalang! chioness. Candid shot of jeremy snapping photo using his iphone.
Hey look at my wet hair, i just came out from a sauna! Lol. that was how hot it was, especially with that leather jacket. nearly fainted, okay i'm lying. buahaha. so yeah and i have to admit that Punggol is definitely a very nice place to be living at, i'm envious of those who're residing there. the ambience and such.
and so, here's how you get to punggol lalang!
Once you know, thank me okay! (;
" It is a Tebing Lane.
- take mrt to Punggol and change into the LRT.
- stop at Riveria LRT station,
- look out the window to look for 'Popeye res.
- Walk towards popeyes, grab a bite if possible.
- Walk all the way towards a river, go down a small flight
of steps & turn left (Facing the river)
- Walk till you see a lalang field, about 5mins walk. "
Tuesday, May 1, 2012,
After a long hiatus.
After some time of procrastinating, i have finally decided to stop what i'm doing at the moment and do up a simple blog post to make this blog less boring. well it's has always been boring anyway! but i have nothing to blog about therefore i'm just gonna post up photos which was taken the past few weeks/months. better than nothing right? (;
Tuesday, January 3, 2012,
Friday, December 16, 2011,
Back after a hiatus, annyeongheasayo!
Hahaha i know, what a way to welcome you guys right, a background with 2pm. but if you know me, you should know that 2pm is the only bias group that i love in the entire kpop industry, well that's because Nichkhun is in the band. and that made me support the six of them. i even went to the Hands up tour concert by 2pm, twice. one in Singapore and the other one in Kuala Lumpur! will probably blog about the concert soon as soon as i retrieved my folder that has been missing from my thumbdrive due to the school's computer virus, what the meh. nonetheless, 2pm ftw (; Oh and i coloured my hair again! from blonde to striking red. sponsered by Stylebylouis! the colour is now fading slowly and i'm hoping it would turn out to be dark red! So anyway my friends and i had an impromptu meetup yesterday, and we headed to the Henderson wave since they have never been there before. and it's like in the middle of a forest area with lots of tall trees, and we had to climb stairs and slopes that was literally draining my energy. yes, i have been there afew times but i'm still complaining! hahaha. but still the effort was worth it, cause of the view you get from the top of the henderson bridge, or rather henderson wave. it's even more spectacular during the night, been there done that (; photo credit: Google. Two of our friends left an hour later cause something cropped up. and i was wishing that the dark clouds above us were just passing by, unfortunately it poured for awhile and we ran to a small shelter. we were obviously drenced! hahaha. the aftermaths of the rain, wet hair, wet floor! meh. Labels: #Izwandelex #henderson wave #photography |
th' blogger ![]() juvenile with big dreams. email: thdelex@hotmail.com don't hesitate to email me if you ve any queries. i'm friendly! th' comments th' links th' delex on twitter counter Online Users ![]() th' plurk th' ads, click on the ads! :) th' traffic feet Advertorial |